Children’s Dentistry

At Coronation House Dentist Nambour we are proud to offer a full range of dental services for your children starting as young as three years old!


Child Dental Benefits Schedule

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule provides eligible children and teenagers aged 2 to 17 with up to $1000, capped over a two calendar year period, for basic dental services. The two year cap period starts when a child or teenager first receives an eligible dental service. Eligible families, teenagers and approved care organisations will receive a letter from the Australian Government to confirm eligibility. If your child is eligible, call Coronation House Dentist Nambour on 07 5441 1987 to book an appointment.

Services Covered by the Child Dental Benefits Scheme

  • Examinations
  • x-rays
  • Scale & Teeth Clean
  • Fissure sealing
  • Fillings
  • Root Canals
  • Extractions

Find more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule go to or see below for information from The Child Dental Benefits Schedule Website

Or call 132 011

Or call Coronation House Dentist Nambour to talk with our Receptionist.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule Eligibility basics:

  • aged between 2 and 17 years on any one day of the calendar year
  • getting certain government benefits such as Family Tax Benefit Part A for at least part of the calendar year
  • eligible for Medicare

You’ll get a letter to confirm if your child’s eligible for the CDBS if you’re a:

  • parent or guardian
  • approved care organisation

Older children getting payments under their own name may also get a letter.
To be eligible, you must be:

  • aged between 2 and 17 for at least 1 day of the calendar year
  • eligible for Medicare, and
  • getting one of the payments in the table below for at least 1 day of the calendar year

Payment recipient receives:

Child’s parent, carer, or guardian:

  • Family Tax Benefit Part A
  • Parenting Payment, or
  • Double Orphan Pension


  • Family Tax Benefit Part A
  • Carer Payment
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Parenting Payment
  • Special Benefit
  • Youth Allowance
  • financial assistance under the Veterans’ Children Education Scheme (VCES) and can’t be included as a dependent child for the purposes of Family Tax Benefit because they are 16 years or older, or
  • financial assistance under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS) and can’t be included as a dependent child for the purposes of Family Tax Benefit because they are 16 years or older

Teenager’s partner:

  • Family Tax Benefit Part A, or
  • Parenting Payment

Eligibility is assessed at the beginning of each calendar year and is valid for the entire year. If you become eligible part way through a calendar year, you only get benefits under the CDBS from the date of Medicare eligibility.

Eligibility may be affected if you go from getting fortnightly Family Tax Benefit Part A payments to lump sum payments. If your payments change, contact us about your eligibility for the CDBS.

Benefits available

From 1 January 2017, benefits for basic dental services are capped at $1000 per child over 2 consecutive calendar years.

The 2 year cap period starts when a child or teenager first gets an eligible dental service.

If a child or teenager already started their 2 year cap period in 2016, they can continue to access the rest of the previous cap of $1,000 until 31 December 2017, provided the child is eligible for the CDBS in 2017.

If you don’t use all of the $1000 benefit in the first year of eligibility, it can be used in the second year if the child remains eligible. Any remaining benefit can’t be accessed after the end of the second year.

Benefits cover a range of services including:

  • examinations
  • X-rays
  • cleaning
  • fissure sealing
  • fillings
  • root canals
  • extractions

Benefits aren’t available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and can’t be paid for any services provided in a hospital.

CDBS services won’t count towards the Medicare Safety Net or the Extended Medicare Safety Net thresholds.

How to use the schedule

To use the CDBS:

  1. confirm your eligibility and balance amount using your Medicare online account through myGov or call the Medicare general enquiries line.
  2. make an appointment with either a private or public dentist and let them know you or your child are eligible for the CDBS.
  3. discuss the child’s treatment and any associated costs with the dental provider before you receive the services. After this has been discussed, you need to sign a consent form.

After the dental provider has provided the agreed services, they will either bulk bill or charge you for the services. If they charge you, you need to pay the account and claim the benefit through us.

National Oral Health Plan

The National Oral Health Plan provides strategic direction to strengthen the national oral system and reduce the burden of oral disease.

The Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives: National Oral Health Plan 2015-2024 was prepared by the Oral Health Monitoring Group, a subcommittee of the Community Care and Population Health Principal Committee which reports through the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council to the COAG Health Council.

For further information on the Plan, please visit the COAG Health Council website

Information About Government Dental Health Initiatives

Access to Coronation House Dental Surgery

The Dental Clinic is on the Ground Floor of Coronation House, at 30 Currie Street, Nambour.

Should you need wheelchair access, please call the receptionist on 0754411987 and she will arrange to assist you on your visit.